Grid of black and white portraits of queer artists

San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration & March Sunday, June 25, 2000 The parade will start at Market and Beale on Sunday June 25th at 10:30AM and will […]

Dyke March San Francisco Saturday, June 24 Location: Dolores Street @ 19th St Street Party to Follow on Castro Street Info: 415.241.8882 Tea dance, live music and comedy starts in […]

Thomas Avena & Adam Klein Tuesday, June 20, 2000 7:30 pm Location: SomArts, 934 Brannan @ 8th Street Tickets: $10, Qcc In the art of Jerome Caja, Thomas Plageman and […]

Odyssey and Underworld: The Art of Jerome Caja, Charles Sexton and Thomas Plageman Show opens Sunday, June 4 Opening Reception, Sunday, June 4; 5-7:30 pm Location: SomArts, 934 Brannan @ […]

Harmony Hammond Wednesday, June 21, 2000 7:30 pm Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy, 4235 19th Street @ Collingwood Tickets: $15, Qcc Pioneer lesbian artist and activist Harmony Hammond will do […]

FOUR SEASONS Friday, & Saturday, June 2 & 3; 8 pm Location: SOMAR, 934 Brannan St @ 8th St Admission: $15 ($10 for GAPA members and supporters) For tickets & […]