Flabulous 2
Flabulous! 2: Fatter Than Ever! is the second live performance production by Kentucky Fried Woman and Jay Walker featuring fat queers and their allies, highlighting the lived experiences of fat queers and envisioning revolutionary possibilities for fighting body fascism and embracing all bodies as beautiful.
alysia angel is a writer, a dreamer and is definitely the kind of fat girl who likes pork tacos after an orgasm
Bevin Branlandingham is the Host and Producer of FemmeCast: The Queer Fat Femme Podcast Guide to Life. She is a flamboyant femmecee, writer, drag king, burlesque and comedy performer. She is Co-Head Madam of the Femme Family, the New York Chapter of the Femme Mafia, on the steering committee for the Fat and Queer conference and the media committee for the Femme Conference. In 2008 Bevin received a Commendation from the Mayor of Jersey City for her work with the LGBT community. Her writing has been published in numerous periodicals and she has performed throughout North America. Her mission is to make the world a safe place for people to love themselves, regardless of their marginalizations. Her website (including blog, calendar of events and workshops) is found at QueerFatFemme.Com.
Brock Cocker Butch. Queen. This is Brock Cocker. A mixture of glitter and sequins courses through his veins. He loves colored folks, butches, femmes, fems, studs, dykes, fags, sissies, trantastic chil’rens, gender soldiers and those with a little jiggle in the middle. He’d love you too, if you made his acquaintance. In 2000, Brock arrived from Detroit (The Motor City) on gossamer wings. Since 2006, he has performed in a variety of shows and fundraisers including Femme2006, Psychedelick Eye, Kentucky Fried Woman’s monthly cabaret, and Flabulous! This summer Brock will be involved with the conference, “Femme2010: No Restrictions” which will be in Oakland, CA in August. Brock has previously performed as drag queen Eartha Klittt and under the pseudonym Gus D. Windy.
Brought to you by the creative forces behind ButchBallet, ButchTap is a loose collective of Oakland based queer performance artists who have a passion for tap dancing, fabulous costumes and dance-offs. ButchTap includes current and former members of Nappy Grooves, the Queer Jitterbugs, Queen Bees, Disposable Boy Toys, Titland, Citizen Kings, the Saucy Knickers, Trekking with the Stars & Hogwarts Express: The Musical. So, prepare yourself for a treat as these performance veterans explode into your hearts with the footloose and fancy-free percussion sounds so unique to tap dancing! ButchTap Performers: Kentucky Fried Woman, Jake Danger, Billy “the Poof” Elliot, Tyrone Peaches, Ricky T. Smiles & Lance Armstar.
DELICIO DEL TORO, El Rey de Sucio y Queer: This tall, dark, and handsome café con leche heartthrob was kicked out of Menudo for one too many pelvic provocations. A recovering Catholic school boy turned Chippendale, Delicio Del Toro, has a weakness for showtunes, gardening, engaging in la joteria, and devouring both cupcakes and men in uniforms. As the reigning Mr. Gay East Bay & Mr. SFDK14 he practices community service by making monthly donations of baby daddy batter at banks on both sides of the Bay Bridge. Del Toro enjoys shaking his well-endowed bon-bon throughout the Trans Francisco Gay Area and having a flabulously fagtastic time with the chunky hunks of CHUBB. He has graced the stages of The National Queer Arts Festival, Trannyshack, International Ms. Leather, and Butch Voices and enjoys serving the gender performance community by being an active member of the Steering Committee for the International Drag KingCommunity Extravaganza.
Drew Montana was a founding member of the Transformers and founder of CHUBB, a body positive drag troupe. He has also produced of Rally the Troupes as part of the Queer Arts Festival for the last five years. He performs regularly through the bay area with his partner in crime Starr69, CHUBB, and many others. His main focus these days is working with other bay area performers to design shows and numbers that involve great dancing, glitter, and responsible performances! Catch him at Rally the Troupes VI-June 18th & 19th at SomArts! Photo Credit: Joie Rey – www.photosbyjoierey.com
Gabe Oi is a perverted genderfucking fag who sweats glitter and giggles rainbows. They are enamored with this crazy sparkly city, and all of the delicious queers who inhabit it, and like to show their appreciation by taking their clothes off on stage.
Jukie Sunshine is San Francisco’s It girl! She has been striking a pose since she was three years old when she started making kissy faces in the mirror. In her San Fernando Valley school days, she was the fat kid that liked to ham it up, onstage and off and was always being sent home with a note from the teacher for disrupting class with her zingy one-liners. She spent many nights watching old movies and dreamt of being a showgirl in Busby Berkley productions and dancing with Gene Kelly. Years later, she found her calling in San Francisco as a sex-positive and size-positive educator and glamour girl of stage and screen.
Margarita is a Fat Femme and Fatshionista who never ever thought she would be performing music. But, when she was exploring her love of old-time aesthetics, and discovering the wonders of American folk music, (especially the Carter Family and their daughter June Carter Cash), the autoharp, excuse the pun, struck a chord. She acquired an autoharp at a pawn shop, and named it Maybelle in honor of Mother Maybelle Carter, the pioneer of the instrument in American music. From this pairing, it is hoped that truthful, fun music, with the inherent queer can be created for a diverse audience to enjoy.
MuLotta TaTa’s (aka Malcolm PeX) is a former member of the Transformers, Butch Tap, and Hogwarts Express and a current member of Seattle-based tap sensation Time to Heel. She’s grateful to be returning to the Flabulous stage to shake her sugar makers. Sugarbush Lane is thrilled to join MuLotta TaTa’s for a Flabulous duet. After a delectable debut in “Trekking With the Stars”, Sugarbush was fortunate enough to be taken under several glittery burlesque wings and has been performing silly, sweet and sassy numbers around the Bay Area ever since. She hopes your sweet tooth will have you coming back for more!
Holy McGrail is a glamorous and twisted Faux Queen Diva who was raised by a pack of wolves and the queens of San Francisco’s infamous Trannyshack. This Lady Gay enjoys musicals, creating big hair, and corrupting stages and audiences with her signature “oh no she didn’t” numbers. She can hold her own and can give any queen a run in their pantyhose, despite what she don’t have to tuck under hers. Not too shabby for a Real Fish who has been dubbed by many as “The Gayest Man in San Francisco.”
The Phat Fly Girls, Big Moves’ performing troupe for the curvaceous and confident, have been wowing audiences up and down the West Coast since 2001 with their trademark combination of fierce attitude and friendly booty shakin’. You can learn more about this fat-tastic multi-genre dance troupe (including how to join!) at www.bigmoves.org.
For the last two years Rubenesque Burlesque has been shaking up the San Francisco Bay Area with their special brand of Flabulousness! They’ve traveled hither and yon treating the masses to a taste of delectable plushness, salacious edges and curves that arouse the senses and cause riots. In September they took a big juicy bite out of the Big Apple performing for the delighted audiences of Wham! Bam! Slam!, the Slipper Room, and the Coney Island Rockabilly Burlesque Festival. Rubenesque Burlesque is honored to celebrate all of our bodies with the alluring, multi-talented warrior woman Kentucky Fried Woman, and all the warriors at NO LOSE. We invite you to eat our deliciousness. |