Writers, filmmakers and performance artists queerify classic myths and seek out the deviant threads in tales of yore. Join us for this free 3-part series with a menagerie of artists from across the country! With Gigi Otalvaro-Hormillosa, Robin Coste Lewis, Sadie Lune, Elan, Luna Maia, Leah Lakshmi Piepezna Samarasinha, Sara Seinberg, and Brooklyn artist Samuael Topiary debuting her one-woman multi-media performance, Icarus. Hosted by San Francisco’s legendary Michelle Tea.
June 10: Gigi Otalvaro-Hormillosa, Robin Coste Lewis + Sadie Lune
June 17: Elan, Leah Lakshmi Piepezna Samarasinha + Luna Maia
June 24: Samuel Topiary + Sara Seinberg
Luna Maia is a queer poet/performer/curator who writes about issues of mixed heritage, feminism and gender identity. Luna has featured four consecutive years in the National Queer Arts Festival in addition to four curatorial efforts for the festival. Find out more at
Photo by Ginger Robinson
sara seinberg is a writer and photographer working on her first novel, the madness of a simple red stone. her written and photographic work has been widely published, most recently in the beautiful country of India by Mindfields: the Journal About Ideas and Learning. She lives happily in san francisco with her dog gus, who has amazingly perfect eyeliner, and she would like to visit pretty much everyplace.
Photo by Joanna Eldredge Morrissey
Samuael Topiary is a filmmaker, teacher and performing artist based in Brooklyn, NY. She was a member of the 1997 Sister Spit US tour as well as few of the regional tours after that. This June, she will be presenting her epic media performance poem “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” as part of the National Queer Arts Festival at the SFPL. She currently teaching film editing at School of Visual Arts in NYC.
Sadie Lune is a multi-media artist, absurdist, sex worker and pleasure activist. Sadie draws the comic series “Saturn Returns Komyx” for $pread magazine (, is a contributor to Carnal Nation’s “perv panel” (, enjoys acting in queer porn, writing, painting, presenting at colleges on sex and art, popping cherries, and showing off her cervix. Performance art gives her a boner. She is currently working on “WhoreLover”; an anthology of essays written by the personal partners of sex workers, as well as curating a show of the same name for the National Queer Arts Fest featuring sex workers and partners exploring love and romance. Sadie is also working on a full-length version of “FemmeCreep”, a performance piece about the dirty old man who lives inside her. Her work has been shown and won awards at venues as diverse as the Good Vibrations Erotic Film Competition, Femina Potens, L.A. Dyke March, and the SFMOMA. Sadie is excited for this summer’s European Queer X Show ( tour where she will be performing and making continental road-trip porn with a group of 5 women. She identifies as a mermaid is currently looking for collaborators, patrons, and a wife. Sadie lives in the Mission District of San Francisco with her three snakes and beloved roommate, Irene.
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha is a queer Sri Lankan writer and performer, based for ten years in Toronto, recently relocated to Oakland, CA. The author of Consensual Genocide (TSAR, 2006) her work has been widely anthologized in the queer, feminist and of color press, including in Yes Means Yes, Homelands, Colonize This, We Don’t Need Another Wave, Bitchfest, Without a Net, Dangerous Families, Geeks, Misfits and Outlaws, Bent on Writing, Femme and A Girl’s Guide to Taking Over The Word. She writes for Bitch, Colorlines, Herizons, Hyphen, Left Turn, Make/Shift and Xtra magazines, and regularly performs and teaches throughout North America. She is the co-director of Mangos With Chili, North America’s only annual touring cabaret of queer and trans of color performers, and teaches writing through June Jordan’s Poetry for the People program. She is currently completing her first memoir, Dirty River, and her second book of poetry, Love Cake. Visit her at
Elan is a performer, writer and lover living in a fantastical pit of hedonist dreams dubbed, “The Glorious Hole.” With pleasure, she makes mayhem with several deviant troupes known variously as Bangs of Hunger, Mazeltov Cocktail & Heticide. As a solo artist, she works primarily with images, themes and characters extracted from the underbelly of history and folklore. The method massages these ghosts and golems into horrifyingly sensual landscapes
populated with contemporary queer longings and musculature. Past projects include “Peri Pascha on the Passover Presents: Museum of an Extinct Race OR On the Jews and Their Lies” and a role as Ursula the Sea Witch as Orpheus in Marc Arthur’s, “The UnDead.” Currently, Elan is gearing up to shoot an experimental Oz-as-end-days themed queer porn. Elan has performed nationally and locally for the ivy-league, in the night-life, and of the seedy, pornographic and practically-regrettable moment. She is currently working a day job as the Lead Madam of the Lusty Lady