Hanky Code: The Movie
June 17, 2015
Periwinkle Cinema Presents
Hanky Code: The Movie
Gentry McShane, Lisa Ganser, and Lorin Murphy
Center for Sex and Culture
1349 Mission Street @ 9th
San Francisco
7:30pm and 9:30pm shows
Price: $7-10 NOTA
June 17th, 7:30pm show
June 17th, 9:30pm show
Before Internet dating and hookup apps, The Handkerchief code was largely used by gay men in the 1970’s to distinguish sexual preferences and fetishes in gay clubs and on the streets of places like San Francisco and New York. In Hanky Code: The Movie, Periwinkle Cinema, San Francisco’s queer experimental film collective brings Queer and Trans* filmmakers across a spectrum of genres, styles, genders, and locations to dissect the code in this epic anthology feature of more than 15 short films! Each filmmaker or filmmaking team tells a story of a different color/fetish of the code. Films range from narrative to experimental to erotic and animated, with many films redefining the traditional code with colors, patterns, and fetishes up to creative interpretation of the artist. Contributing Artists include Lisa Ganser, Lorin Murphy, Gentry McShane, Moon Ray Ra, Malic Acid, Ewan Duarte, Ricky Lee, Demian Dine Yahzi, and many more.
Opening Credits:
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LISA GANSER is an artist, activist and odd jobber from Minneapolis that lives in San Francisco with mental illness and brain injury. They are an established filmmaker and provide access support for Periwinkle Cinema and the Idriss Stelley Foundation. The song Stars Out is part of a People’s Investigation into the Wrongful Death of Asa Sullivan. http://ganserlamm.bandcamp.com/ |
Black Hanky – Isabelle, Char and Tegan | |
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Char is an agender sadomasochist living in San Francisco. They practice consensual, risk aware intimacy that deals heavily in the give and take of pain and fear. They support wider public awareness of a broad range of sexuality and gender. |
Teagan is a multidisciplinary artist from San Francisco and a trans leather dyke. She holds an MFA in Theatre from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Bachelors of Arts in English Literature from Pacific Union College. She has worked as a playwright, director, dramaturg, and actress. She’s also the maintainer of an open source project called “Refuge Restrooms” which indexes and maps safe restrooms for transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming folks world wide. | ![]() |
Grey Hanky – Lorin Murphy | |
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Lorin Murphy is a 36-year-old Queer Identified experimental filmmaker. He is a bay area native graduated from the Academy of Arts Collage in 2003 and has been working as a film projectionist in Berkeley since 2002.His work over the last ten years is collage in nature and draws heavily on his experience as a film projectionist. Works are made using 16mm film, bleach, ink and removal of emulsion. A live score usually accompanies films.Lorin has been working with other queer film community members to put on the queer film/video series Periwinkle Cinema. Over the course of four years the Periwinkle team has worked with over forty queer artists from the US and Canada to bring a monthly screening of Avant guard queer short films and features to the city of San Francisco. |
Light Blue Hanky – Ricky Lee | |
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Ricky Lee has been producing things for over 20 years. Most notably the film Butch Girls, Reservoir Dykes and Faggot Whores in 1997, and Hella Hos in 2003. Both Videos showed at film festivals in the states and abroad. She has been published in several anthologies including Pills Chills, Thrills and Heartache and Without A Net. She founded the World Famous Underwear Art Museum (Mission art event). She is a former member of the hip hop group The End of the World and punk band Ghost Cat. She currently lives in West Oakland California where she plays bass and sings in the post punk band Pickle Dick! |
Blue Silver Hanky – Marie Walz | |
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Marie Walz is a queer femme living in Chicago who has been making work with and about Duran Duran fandom/slash fiction for the past 8 years. Nick Rhodes is her muse, and The Chauffeur is her favorite video, as it is the bastard stepchild of The Night Porter, Helmut Newton and Perri Lister. Sing Blue Silver! |
Red Hanky – Caitlin Rose Sweet & Andre Nani Azevedo | |
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Caitlin Rose Sweet explores the intersections between craft, queerness, and pop culture to position queerness as a site for incessant transformation and possibilities. Her playful work resists assimilation and mastery through an intentional disinvestment in finished work and proper use of materials. |
André Azevedo is an interactive multimedia artist. He worked as a designer and curator of art installations and performances for MIX NYC, and has been in a number of collaborations with really amazing artists. Currently he is a video playback operator for TV and films and lives in Brooklyn with his sweetie, Caitlin Rose, and their dog Disco | ![]() |
Maroon Hanky – Ashley Monique George | |
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A graduate of San Francisco State University’s film program, Ashley has been working in film in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York since 2007. A visual storyteller with a passion for exploring themes of independence, sexuality and transformation, she approaches film and visual art as a form of expression therapy. Other current works include music videos for San Francisco experimental cult favorite T.I.T.S as well as Los Angeles’ queer fusion artist Sister Mantos. In addition to directing, Ashley also works as a Casting Director, Assistant Director and Producer for short films, feature films and commercials in the U.S.Ashley is currently at The New School in New York engaging in graduate studies towards her MA in Media Studies with a concentration on film, interactive design and media management. She is thrilled to be partnering with Periwinkle Cinema as a featured filmmaker for anthology film THE HANKY CODE. |
Rose Hanky – Llona Berger & Andrew Wingler | |
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Andrew Wingler is a California artist who works primarily in the mediums of collage and analog photography. In addition to the aforementioned he makes frequent forays into film and music.While working toward a BFA in photography at the San Francisco Art Institute he engaged in extensive photo documentation of the seminal mid 90s to early 00’s Mission scene. Beyond music this included being on set during the 5 year filming of Cary Cronnenwets Maggots and Men. An invaluable experience which inspired a continual involvement in low budget lo fi film making.From 05 to 09 he accompanied synth punk band, the Sixteens, as their projectionist on several tours of Europe. He did his time on the stage as well playing trumpet with fabled, notorious music group Alabaster Choad.At the moment Andrew Wingler is an operator and co curator at LAST Projects gallery in Los Angeles and is a fellow film maker with Ilona Berger. |
Ilona Berger was DP and co-writer of Cary Cronenwett’s feature Maggots and Men which was shot on 16mm and super 8mm over 5 years in San Francisco, Vermont, and Russia. Maggots and Men traveled around the world and Berger’s experimental short Spektro Del Tempo has been seen at Documenta, and Outfest. Ilona Berger lives in Los Angeles and runs a gallery and micro cinema on Hollywood Blvd called LAST Projects. Currently she is collaborating with director Jamson Silgnena on Kingdom of Rhythms, a musical about a Haitian zombie. | ![]() |
Magenta Hanky – Gentry McShane | |
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Gentry McShane is a queer filmmaker, curator, activist and digital archivist currently based in Oakland, California. He was born and raised in the surreal wild west landscape of Tucson, Arizona. His short films have screened at Frameline, Boston LGBT Film Festival, Not Enough! Queer music and art festival, Outsider Festival Austin, and Reeling Chicago. He is a regular curator with Periwinkle Cinema. www.periwinklecinema.com |
Purple Hanky – Kim Dru | |
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Kim Druziako is a leatherworker and deviant living in the bay area. She is a strong proponent of trans womens’ hive consciousness and living. |
Purple Flannel Hanky – Ewan Duarte |
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Ewan Duarte is an SF Bay Area based professional filmmaker, photographer, and writer. He intends to create conscious media and tell stories that portray empowered queer/trans people, themes, and experiences that resonate with the universality of the human experience. He holds his MFA in Cinema from SF State University. Ewan’s two previous award-winning short films, Change Over Time (2013) and Spiral Transition (2010) have screened in more than 120 film festivals nationally and worldwide. Both films are distributed by the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (CFMDC). Ewan’s writing has been published in LILIPOH Magazine, Original Plumbing online magazine, IndieWire, The Huffington Post, and his personal blog. You can check out his freelance photography and video production website here:www.ewanduarteproductions.com |
Yellow Hanky – Katie Bush | |
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Known throughout the world as ‘America’s Favorite Lady’, Katie Bush is a San Francisco-based installation artist whose work is influenced by the invisible airborne choreographies of ever-encroaching surveillance systems, widely distributed judgements of morally-upright church herds, remorseless mall stampedes & unremarkable people having sex. Her art has been featured in BoingBoing, Rhizome,The British Medical Journal, Dazed & Confused and in exhibitions & film festivals around the world since 1993. |
Yellow, Pale Hanky – Malic Acid and Nathan Hill | |
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Malic Amalya is an Oakland-based queercore filmmaker working in 16mm celluloid and lo-fi video. Tracing political and emotional implications of estrangement, his films traverse tensions between preciousness and abjection within the discarded and the overlooked.Malic’s work has screened widely, including in the San Francisco Cinematheque’s Crossroads Film Festival, the Onion City Experimental Film & Video Festival in Chicago, and the MIX NYC Queer Experimental Film Festival. Malic is the recipient of the SF Bay Guardian’s 2014 GOLDIE Award in Film. His film Gold Moon, Sharp Arrow won Best Experimental Film at the 2012 Northwest Filmmakers’ Festival in Portland, Oregon. Malic holds an MFA from the University of Illinois at Chicago and an MA in History and Theory of Contemporary Art from the San Francisco Art Institute.Malic lectures at the California College of the Arts and will be teaching two courses on experimental film in the Public Education Department (open to all!) at the San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI) in the Fall of 2015.For more information, please visit: www.malicamalya.com and www.sfai.edu/public-youth-education |
Rust Hanky – Lauren Soldano | |
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Lauren Soldano lives in a small town near the very bottom left corner of Ohio: a backwoods-y twilight zone between Kentucky and Indiana where reassurance that “Hell Is Real” lines highways, streets are paved with roadkill and a pervasive sense of uniquely Midwestern nihilism roams free.Soldano spent their formative filmmaking years in the Bay Area where they made lots of cool stuff with lots of cool people, like Camp Butchinson (2012) and But I’m A Genderqueer (2010). Those magical Californian gayby years even included becoming one of the curatorial/creative minds behind Periwinkle Cinema. They miss the Periwinkle crew desperately, but still collaborate with them in their wildest teleportation telepathy fantasies. |
Mint Green Hanky – Kentucky Fried Woman | |
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Celebrating 36 years as a tap dancer, Kentucky Fried Woman has been living and loving on the West Coast since 1999. Her obsessions include bringing Southern Living recipes to life, watching and critiquing Oscar nominated and winning films, and spending hours at various San Francisco tourist destinations. She is a Dancer, Singer, Writer, Speaker, Event Producer, and cat who has been seen on the stage as a soloist, in collaboration with other queer performing artists, and in troupes such as CHUBB and ButchTap. She feels immense gratitude to those that paved the way for a kinky, fat, queer, tap-dancing, femme with OCD, Depression and Anxiety to practice her art in the spirit of visibility, connection, tender vulnerability, resilience, and joy. |
Lime Green Hanky – Jacqueline Mary | |
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Jacqueline Mary is the tastemaker of Heartless Productions, a Brooklyn-based (DIY/independent) porn production company bringing creative, thought-provoking, and filthy fun to the queer underground and beyond. Her work has been screened from coast to coast at sex parties and colleges alike! |
Brown Fur Hanky – Micaela O’Herlihy | |
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Mica O’Herlihy is a farmer and homesteader with a deep background in experimental film and art making. Mica’s farm provides lusty, lush and primordial fodder for their creations.As a proud art world dropout Mica’s current work reflects a cleansed palate and and sings of base necessities. |
Silver Sequin Hanky – Celeste Chan & KB Tuffy Boyce | |
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MOON RAY RA is a QTPOC led collaboration and collage of experimental sound, text, and image. MOON RAY RA creates space/time/travel. www.QueerRebels.com |
No Color Hanky – Julz Hale Mary | |
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Julz Hale Mary is a multi-media performance artist who exposes the absurdity of the white patriarchy by creating campy renderings of feminized pathologies. They began performing drag in 2012 at Aunt Charlie’s night club in San Francisco, CA. Julz utilizes modern dance, Colorguard, objects, video, pop culture, fashion, drag, music, and dark humor to convey their ideas. Influenced by their own trans narrative, Julz critically engages western binaries, capitalist ladders, and one dimensional sentimentalities. Their work has been featured at SomArts, The Lab, Artist Television Access, Submission, The Stud, The Center for Sex and Culture, and Seattle LGBT Film Festival.” |
My Little Pony Hanky – Vanessa Christine & Lexi Lalphor | |
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Vanessa Christine is a queer, feminist writer/dancer/stylist & public health activist who hails from a long line of psychic witches. Born & raised in Queens, she currently resides in San Francisco where she enjoys tangling & untangling knots and fantasizes about riding the bus with Lil Wayne. |
Indigenous LUVVV – Damien Dine Yazhi | |
Demian Dinéyazhi’ is an artist residing & working in Portland, Oregon. Born & raised in the “Indian Capital of the World”, Gallup, NM, Diné Yazhi’ is a transdisciplinary warrior whose work is an archivalization & exploration of memory formation, landscape representation, HIV/AIDS-related art & activism, gender & sexuality, & indigenous survivance.Demian has exhibited work nationally & internationally, in addition to having his artwork & writing published over the last few years. In 2010 he founded the Indigenous artist/activist collective, R.I.S.E.: Radical Indigenous Survivance & Empowerment. He is currently co-organizing & curating an Indigenous Inter-tribal art, music, & film festival, One Flaming Arrow, which will take place in Portland, OR in June 2015. | |
Grey Flannel Hanky – Austin Boe | |
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Austin Boe is an emerging artist living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. Born 1991 in Minnesota. He received his BFA in Drawing, Painting, Printmaking from the University of Minnesota Duluth, MFA in Printmaking from California College of the Arts. Presently working in printmaking, painting/drawing, video, and installation. |
Kleenex Hanky – Kico Le Strange | |
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Kico Le Strange is an artist born in Agua Dulce, Texas. Kico received a BFA from Texas A&M University Kingsville, Texas. Obtained an MFA from California College of the Arts San Francisco, California. Presently, Kico creates and resides in the San Francisco Bay Area, currently her focus is in textiles, video, performance, and installation. |