Hugh Buck   Tom’s Underwear Ipad drawing on archival paper 4 x 6″ Statement:The work is about seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary things around us.

Joe Bruns   Mirror Paddles Glass mirror, wood, enamel, leather. 2012 Artist StatementI explore masculinity, privilege, and personal relationships while utilizing the beauty in everyday language and materials. The work […]

Austin Boe   Untitled (2015) 24 in x 36 in Paint & Relief Ink on Mirror In one way the work is about being unapologetic about queerness, creating a presence […]

micah bazant Honor the Dead and Fight Like Hell for the Living giclée print of watercolor painting, 8×11” Support Monica Jones giclée print of watercolor and ink painting with digital […]

Crystal Azul Barajas Barr   Huevo peludo 2’ x 1’ x 9” Materials: animal fur, human hair, wire, nature. StatementCrystal Azul is a multidisciplinary artist with a BA in Studio […]

Association Les Dégommeuses Les Dégommeuses are both a football team and an association fighting against sexism and queerphobia in sports and through sports.Since 2012, we have ha partnership with the […]