The LGBTQ Arts Archive
First created in 1998,, was one of the most heavily visited non-profit arts websites in the Bay Area. An original goal of the Queer Cultural Center was to become a brick and mortar museum, highlighting works of the LGBTQ+ community. Though that never came to fruition, the website was used as an open source space to document Queer arts events in San Francisco. The staff sought to elevate the international, national, statewide and local visibility of the Queer arts community.
The LGBTQ+ Arts Archive contains material that traces the emergence, diversification and ongoing evolution of Queer arts and culture in San Francisco. Originally created in the late 90s and early 2000s, they represent our sensibility at that time and were never meant to be a complete index of queer art or artists; but rather a humble start at building visibility and online community. The majority of artists presented have either lived in San Francisco or have been connected to the Bay Area in a Queer way.