Queeriosity 2012
Youth Speaks is proud to present the 15th annual Queeriosity—a literary arts and performance event that creates a safe space for LBGTQ youth to speak their truths to a supportive group of peers, allies, elders, and community members. Queeriosity is a place for queer and questioning youth to simply be, and have their emerging artistic and activist voices celebrated.
It is for all of us that don’t and won’t fit the cookie cutter rubrics of American love and sexuality. It is a record of life in motion, a message in a bottle from adolescence, all jutting elbows, flying knees, and bursting hearts to our future selves. It is an ongoing redefinition of love, and a testament to its unbounded nature. If you’ve ever felt your identity overcrowding the tiny boxes, flooding the margins, and bursting the seams of too-tight American dreams, Queeriosity is for you.